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Ultimate Unity3D Scripting Reference...

To anyone who writes programs in Unity should be aware of their script reference manual Unity has on it's website. I, only learning of Unity 2 weeks ago, have found this very helpful and of course still do...

In the manual, it has every scriptable aspect of the Unity interface. It gives plenty of examples of how things would be done in code in JaveScript, C#, and BooScript. So you are not just limited to one language. If you wanted to find out more about character controllers, all you would have to do is search it, and it starts giving you results of every aspect of the character controller.

Now I have found myself stuck time and time again. I know what I want to do in my script, but I'm not sure how to do it. And of course our god reference manual doesn't have the answers. That would just make programming to easy. Well, lucky for us Unity set up something called Unity Awnsers. This is where the community came together to answer eachother questions when our scripting reference couldn't. To ask your question you need to make a account. That's it! Then you can ask as many questions as you want ( but make sure their specific and not just asking people to do work for you, it's not called unity contractor) You can also go out and share your vast unity knowledge if you'd like and answer other peoples questions. Earn yourself karma. Win awards. And create a reputation for yourself.


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