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Creating Characters (Blender 2.57) [Version 2]

Second way to make characters, this time a little more complex.  This will involve using child/parent relationships.  I'm not going to go into much detail, for more information, read previous posts.

First Step:  Creating the torso

 You can see that there are dotted lines protruding from the torso, this is because I've already parented the object to 4 other limbs (two arms, two legs)  Originally just a cube, I loop-cut it many times to get in all the details
 As much as it doesn't seem, this is the back

Making the limbs is probably the hardest part, as you have to make sure that is fixes the to torso correctly, and then edit the torso as you see fit to the limbs. (Remember, when creating a child parent relationship, be in object mode, hold down shift, and select the child first and the parent second)

You can get as detailed as you want with the limbs, adding upper arms and fore arms, thighs and calves, it's up to you, just make sure you make each limb/segment a single object and parent everything.
Like here, I parented the upper arm to the torso, and parented the forearm to the upper arm.  I realize that this completely crudely made.  Once I had one arm done, I duplicated, moved it to the other side, and rotated 180 degrees.

I probably had the hardest time making the thighs, particularly trying to get to fit in the back, however, it turned out well enough.

My tutorial is going to stop here for now, and will be finished up in a later post.  Email if you have any questions.


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